






    * 本文系作者在“2010非洲国家高级教育官员研修班暨开放远程教育国际大讲堂”上的主题报告。

Distance Education Today


Desmond Keegan


(Director of Irish Centre for Distance Education Research and Applications,Ireland)


Abstract: Two dates in the history of the field of distance education are important for China: 1960 and 1979. 1960 is the date of the foundation of the Shanghai Television University, which we celebrate here today and 1979 is the date of the foundation of the Dianda distance education system in China. Contributions to the evolution of the Dianda system are listed including the publication of the books Yuan Juli Jao Yu Jichu, Yuan Juli Jiao Yu Lilun, Yuan Juli Jiaoyu and Yuan Cheng Jiao Yu Ji Chu. A brief look is given to the origins of distance education, followed by a brief history of distance education in three periods: 1870-1970, 1970-1990 and 1990-2010. It is concluded that distance education today is a rich and complex sector of education and training provision, with five major sub-divisions: multi-media distance education from open universities and other universities; electronic distance education (usually referred to as e-Learning); simultaneous e-Learning systems; the use of the WWW on-campus and mobile learning. Detailed analysis is given of each of these five sub-systems of distance education today.

