

蔡 苏  余胜泉


(北京师范大学  现代教育技术研究所,北京 100875


    【摘要】当前教育领域涌现了很多使用基于网络的多用户虚拟环境进行教学的实例,如Active WorldsSecond LifeWonderland等,这些平台有很好的三维模拟环境,在教学中使用得越来越广泛,但缺乏学习过程记录与支持的功能,有必要将其与现有的教学系统尤其是基于Web的虚拟学习系统整合起来。本文首先简要回顾了教育领域中三维虚拟学习环境的研究现状,然后介绍了当前国际上流行的一个开源三维虚拟学习环境——Sloodle。通过介绍Sloodle中的WebIntercomMetaGlossChoicerTranslator等工具,讨论了使用这种三维虚拟环境与Web技术整合给学习系统带来的挑战和潜力。最后,总结并探讨了三维虚拟学习环境的发展趋势。






    * 基金项目:本文系全国教育科学“十一五”规划重点课题“以教育技术促进学校教育创新研究”(ACA07004)成果之一。



Sloodle: A Case for 3D Virtual Learning Environment

 CAI Su &YU Shengquan


(Modern Educational Technology Institute, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)


Abstract:  A lot of cases of using multi-user 3D virtual environment for teaching have emerged, such as Active Worlds, Second Life, Wonderland, etc. These platforms have good 3D simulation environment. However, the lack of record of the learning process restricts their development in education. It is necessary to integrate 3D virtual environment with the existing institutional learning system, web-based virtual learning environments in particular. In this paper, the authors outlined a brief review of the 3D virtual learning environment study in education, and then introduced an open source 3D virtual learning environment: Sloodle, which is working on integrating learning and teaching across Second Life and Moddle. Four tools in Sloodle, Web-Intercom, MetaGloss, Choicer and Translator tools were presented. The author discussd the challenges of the integration of such 3D virtual environment and Web-integrated learning systems and reached conclusions about the trends of 3D virtual learning environment.

Key words: e-Learning platform; 3D virtual learning environment; virtual reality

