Understanding the Support Needs of International

Students in Online Learning

Minjuan Wang, Martin Jimenez,Amy Rauen & Richard Dysinger


Department of Educational Technology, San Diego State University,U.S.A.


Abstract:This study addresses learning support needs of non-native English speakers in online classes offered at a large public university in the U.S. Building on previous studies on cultural differences, this study aims to get a better understanding of the challenges (linguistic, cultural, and social) these learners might face when studying in online degree programs. This study reveals the presence of certain challenges in the online masters program, and suggests ways for improvement. For instance, instructors should pursue alternative means for presenting, understanding, and assessing student acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Key words: non-native English students;culture difference;online learning

CLC numbersG434

Document codeA

Article ID1007-2179(2010)02-0060-11


The Author:王敏娟,博士,副教授,圣地亚哥州立大学教育技术系(mwang@mail.sdsu.edu)。Martin Jimenez, Amy Rauen, Richard Dysinge,均为圣地亚哥州立大学教育技术系硕士。





王敏娟  马丁·希门尼斯  安米·劳恩  理查德·戴辛斯

(圣地亚哥州立大学 教育技术系,美国 圣地亚哥)



