

胡 勇  陈 丽


(北京师范大学 远程教育研究所,北京100875









A Review of Content Analysis Researches on Asynchronous

Transcripts in Domestic Higher Education


HU Yong &CHEN Li


(Institue of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China)


Abstract: This article analyses domestic content analysis researches from journals of 20082009 CSSCI retrieval recourses focusing on asynchronous discussion groups in higher schools. The authors perform an analysis from the perspectives of course design, quality of content analysis scheme, intercoder reliability and research design .The study finds that when performing content analysis, many researchers do not provide clear definition of units of analysis. Researchers seldom provide reasons for their choose of meaning units, concrete segmentation standards or segmentation reliability. Researchers seldom provide encoding procedure and over half of the researches do not provide coding reliability. The majority of researches are descriptive research.

Key words: content analysis; theoretical principle; reliability; unit of analysis; research design

