


本刊特约记者  郑旭东


    【编者按】詹姆斯·杜德斯达特(James Duderstadt)博士,密西根大学荣休校长兼科学与工程校级教授,国际知名的核工程专家和高等教育战略思想家,美国国家工程院院士,曾任美国国家科学委员会主席,1964年毕业于耶鲁大学电子工程专业,以优等生获学士学位,1967年毕业于加州理工学院,获工程科学与物理学博士学位,1968年起在密西根大学执教,先后担任过密西根大学工程学院院长和教务长,19881996年间任密西根大学校长。面对信息化和全球化合流的时代大背景,杜德斯达特在执掌密西根大学期间,就公立研究型大学的创新发展进行了卓越的实践探索和深刻的理论总结,在全球高等教育界产生了广泛影响,其知名的高等教育著作包括《21世纪的大学》、《超越十字路口:美国公立大学的未来》、《数字时代的高等教育:美国高等院校的技术议题与战略》、《舵手的视界:在变革时代领导美国大学》等。本刊记者有幸先后两次拜访杜德斯达特博士,得以一睹这位国际知名高等教育战略思想家的风采,在此把访谈内容整理出来以飨读者。全文根据录音整理,有删减。








Innovation and Development of Universities in the Trends of

Information Technology and Globalization

——An Interview of Higher Education Strategist Dr.James Duderstadt



Journalist  ZHENG Xudong


Editorial: Dr. James Duderstadt is President Emeritus and University Professor of Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. As an eminent nuclear engineering scientist and higher education strategist, he is the member of National Academy of Engineering and once chaired National Science Board. He received a B.Eng. in electrical engineering with highest honors from Yale University in 1964 and a Ph.D. in Engineering Science and Physics from the California Institute of Technology in 1967. He joined the faculty of the University of Michigan in 1968 in the Department of Nuclear Engineering, and became Dean of the College of Engineering and then Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. He was elected President of the University of Michigan in 1988 and served in this role until July, 1996. In context of information technology and globalization, he explored the new paradigms of public research university for 21st century, and became an influential leader in higher education studies. His most well-known books include A University for the 21st Century, Beyond the Corssroads: The Future of the Public University in America, Higher Education in the Digital Age: Technology Issues and Strategies for American Colleges and Universities, and The View from the Helm: Leading the American Univers
