FevatoolsDevelopment of a Formative Evaluation

Toolkit for Online Course Design


Barbara Berkovich & Lennon Tan


Department of Educational Technology, San Diego State University,U.S.A.


Abstract: The article describes a project at San Diego State University to provide faculty an online toolkit to assess the effectiveness of their newly created online courses. The website, Fevatools: Formative Evaluation tools for Online Course Design () groups 22 tools and techniques into the following categories: best practices, course facilitation, student achievement, parallel surveys, and learning styles surveys. A small group of faculty piloted Fevatools, and participated in a survey to provide insight into the usefulness of this toolkit.  From this initial response, it was determined that this particular group of faculty was engaged in evaluating their courses, typically using surveys and polling questions. Their primary focus was the student learning outcome, rather than how well particular features of their online course contributed to student learning.  To further aid the effective employment of Fevatools, the additional faculty training and support are recommended, as well as more indepth studies of the usability of the website.

Key words: e-learningonline learningtrainingevaluationinstructional designcourse design, formative evaluationevaluation toolstoolkit

CLC numbersG434

Document codeA

Article ID1007-2179(2010)01-0065-06


The Author:Barbara Berkovich,圣地亚哥州立大学教育技术学硕士研究生,并在加州大学圣地亚哥医学院从事对国家肺结核课程的教学设计;Lennon Tan,圣地亚哥州立大学教育技术学的硕士研究生,新加坡武装部队军官(lennon_tan11@yahoo.com.sg)。

