

赵  健  郑太年  任友群  裴新宁


(华东师范大学 学习科学研究中心,上海200062)











A Review of Research in Learning Sciences


ZHAO Jian,ZHENG Tainian, REN Youqun & PEI Xinning


(Learning Sciences Research Center ,East China Normal University 20062,China)

Abstract: The paper retrospects, analyzes and summarizes the background, foundations, development, main ideas, methodologies and international trends of learning sciences. As a burgeoning research area, learning sciences reflect on methodologies and ideas in research on leaning in cognitive science, absorb findings in constructivism, cognitive science, information technology, sociocultural studies and knowledge work, integrate results of research on implicit learning and the brain, informal learning and formal learning, adopt many methodologies especially for field research, make research on mechanisms of learning in various contexts and thus bring to the world many new ideas on learning. Also, learning sciences make efforts in designing new learning environments to transform leaning through innovative program and designbased research on the basis of the new ideas.

Key words: learning sciences; constructivism; cognitive science; information technology; sociocultural study; knowledge work

