



(温州大学 教育技术系,浙江温州 325027)










An Analysis of Teachers' Individual Variables Affecting

Effectiveness of Technology Integration in Education


WANG Youmei


(Department of Educational Technology, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035,China)


Abstract: Advancing the integration of technology into teaching can take educational technology use to high levels.   Through survey research we studied how teachers view the potential factors impacting the effectiveness of the integration of technology into curriculum and instruction.  Through this research we found that there are six individual teacher factors that impact technology integration: age, Internet usage, training, teaching experience, frequency of IT use and Chinese input method. At the same time, some factors have no significant impact on technology integration: types of school, sex, and years of teaching, subject of teaching and Internet connectivity.

Key words:  information technology integration; instructional effectiveness; teachers' individual variables and factors

