

余平  祝智庭


(华东师范大学 教育信息化系统工程研究中心, 上海 200062


【摘要】版权问题是开放教育资源(Open Educational Resources, OER)建设中面临的主要问题之一。本文分析了与数字化资源相关的版权法规对OER的约束以及几种主要开放共享许可协议的特点,归纳了四类作品(版权作品、开放共享许可访问的作品、可以合理使用的作品以及公共领域的作品)解决OER版权问题的方法,对于OER建设具有指导意义。








Research on Copyright and License of Open Educational Resources


YU Ping & ZHU Zhiting


(e-Educational System Engineering Research Center, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062,China)


Abstract: Copyright issue is one of the key issues of Open Educational Resource (OER) projects. This paper analyses the restriction of the copyright laws to the alternative open access model for OER.  It then explains the characteristics of some open licenses. Based on the degree of open license, resources can be divided into four categories and for each category, some suggestions are provided to address copyright issues.

Key words: open educational resources; copyright; creative commons; fair use; public domain
