Second Life中的教和学研究述评*






【摘要】Second Life是目前最流行的多用户虚拟环境,提供同步和异步交流,允许用户动态改变环境,这些特点引起了教育者对其应用于教和学的关注。本文在文献研究的基础上,对Second Life应用于教和学的研究逻辑、可能范围、理论解释以及存在的问题进行了述评,认为Second Life为教和学的革新提供了新的可能。

【关键词】 Second Life;虚拟世界/虚拟环境;教和学







Literature Review on the Research of Teaching

and Learning in Second Life


LI Jiansheng


(Research Center for Educational Game, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097)


Abstract: Second Life is one of the most advanced of multiple-user virtual environments. It allows not only synchronous and asynchronous communication but also the dynamic changes of the virtual environment through user-driven building and shaping within the environment. Many educators have given attention to Second Life as an environment with significant potentials for teaching and learning. This review summarizes existing researches on the use of Second Life in teaching and learning from the perspectives of logic, discipline, theoretical explanation and problems in Second Life. The paper concludes by listing the innovative potentials of Second Life.

Key words: second Life; virtual worlds; virtual environments; teaching and learning
