


严莉1  郑旭东2


1 华中师范大学 信息管理系, 湖北武汉 430079

2 南京大学 教育科学与管理系,江苏南京 210093


【摘要】“学习与媒体大辩论” 是整个世界教育技术学术史上的一个重大事件,作者站在教育技术发展的历史长河中对这场大论战的因由与背景进行了新解读,在对这场大论战之来龙去脉的追溯中刻画了其间的一波三折,探讨了其后隐藏的深层意涵及其在教育技术思想史上的地位,认为它在实质上是一场对媒体比较研究的大批判和总清算,而背后隐藏着的则是“媒体派”与“学习派”两大阵营在斗争中走向融合的这一历史事实。







Revisit the Great Learning and Media Debate:

New Perspectives and New Implications


YAN Li1 & ZHENG Xudong2


1. Department of Information Management, Central China Normal University, 430079;

2. Department of Educational Sciences and Administration, Nanjing University, 210093

Abstract: The debate about learning media is one of the most significant dialogue in the intellectual history of instructional technology. In this article, the authors explore the background and the underlying ideas in the long-time debate, describe the context of this debate and its extended stories, and discuss its implications for the development of instructional technology. The authors argue that this debate is essentially a revolt against traditional media comparison studies and it came as a result of the convergence of learning and media camps after their initial conflicts.

Key words: learning and media debate; learning; media; intellectual history
