


安  然










Information Age Educational Technology

Application and Innovation

——Summary of ETIF2009 and Interpretation of the Theme Report


AN Ran


(School of Information& Communication, XuZhou Normal University, Xuzhou,221009)


Abstract: The eighth Educational Technology International Forum was held in XuZhou Normal University August18, 2009.  The theme of this forum is Educational Technology Application and Innovation in an Information age. Domestic and international educational technology experts and scholars had in-depth discussions and exchange of experiences related to this central theme. The forum offers a platform to share latest developments and success stories. This paper presents an overview of the forum proceedings from this forum, as well as an interpretation of some highlighted papers. The paper also provides a summary of the learning and lessons from the history of educational technology, as well as opportunities and threats that lie in the future.

Keywords: educational technology; education information; reform; lessons learned; opportunities and threats
