




(江苏广播电视大学 外语系,江苏南京210036









The Genesis of the British Open University: A Narrative History


WEI Runfang


Department of Foreinge,Jiangsu Radio and TV University, Nanjing 210036,China

Abstract: The British Open University (OUUK) has always been an international trendsetter in higher education reform and innovation since the late 1960s. This paper describes the background leading to the establishment of the OUUK. It also retells and analyzes the difficult birth process through which the Open University was prepared, established and accepted universally in terms of political confrontation, mission statement, senior staff recruitment, campus building, student admission and financial arrangement, and explains how these crises detrimental to the founding of the Open University were finally resolved. By doing this, the paper presents the contributions made and a solid foundation laid by the Open University pioneers with their breadth of vision, down-to-earth approach and a sense of dedication, to distance higher education.

Keywords: The British Open University, Staff recruitment, Student admission, University budget, University crisis
