(华东师范大学 网络教育学院,上海 200062)
An Empirical Study on Dialogue Instruction in
 Web-based Environment
LI Baomin
(Distance Education College, East China Normal University,
Shanghai 200062,China)
Abstract: Any instructional activity will involve a process of dialogue in which learners should be led to conduct constructive, collaborative and reflective learning. Web-based environments do not change the nature of the need for dialogue simply because teachers and students are separated from each other. Web-based instruction actually requires dialogue across time and space. As a matter of fact, high-quality, in-depth dialogue is fundamental to the enhancement of the quality of instruction. Therefore, research on the characteristics and strategies for web-based dialogue has great significance to the improvement of the quality of instruction.

Key words: dialogue instruction; web-based environment; web-based instruction
