Student Perception of Learning While Mobile in
A Dual-Device Mobile Learning Environment
Berlin Fang
(OKlahoma Christian University, USA)
Abstract: This paper summarizes a survey of a mobile learning program using iPhone/iPod Touch devices and laptop computers on a campus covered by wireless Internet connection. Results from the survey indicate that on a general level, students find that a ubiquitous environment to be valuable to their academic life. Students use their devices for classrelated, productivityrelated, informational, communicative and recreational purposes. However, there are potentials for more uses to be articulated, marketed, shown, taught or supported. The survey also indicates that institutions and researchers may look at the differentiated uses of mobile devices, provide guidance in their usage, and investigate into a variety of new learning methods that can be supported by a mobile learning program.
Key words: learning with mobile; ubiquitous computing; dual device; learning
【CLC numbers】G434
【Document code】A
【Article ID】1007-2179(2009)04-0062-07
The Author: Berlin Fang, The North Institute, Oklahoma Christian University, USA(
(俄克拉荷马基督教大学 诺斯教学研究所,美国)
【摘要】本文总结了俄克拉荷马基督教大学移动学习项目试点一学期后学生的反馈问卷。该学校在美国是最早给学生配发笔记本电脑和智能手机或iPod Touch双重移动设备的学校之一,全校覆盖无线网络。该问卷调查试图了解在如此泛在的网络使用环境下,学生使用移动学习工具和环境的使用习惯及期待。问卷结果显示:整体来说,学生认为这种泛在学习环境对其学习有利;学生使用移动设备主要用于辅助学习、效率改进、信息获取、沟通和娱乐,这些都是学生在校整体学习体验中值得关注的地方。移动设备的更多用途还有待澄清、宣传、演示、培训、支持。此问卷还显示学校和研究者应考虑移动学习项目可支持的多种学习方式和因学习者而异的多种教育用途。
【关键词】移动学习;泛在环境;双重设备;学习 |