(临沂师范学院 教育技术系,山东临沂 276005)
The Comparative Studies on the Hot Spots of
Chinese and Foreign Distance Higher Education
SONG Baoyu
(Linyi Normal University, Educational Communication Technology, Linyi 276005, China)
Abstract: Distance education has become an important component of higher education, and is taking on a significant historical mission for China's continuing education and lifelong learning. In-depth research in distance higher education, with an international perspective, will has vital practical significance. Distance higher education of countries such as the US, UK, Japan and Canada has each developed its own characteristics, and has each accumulated useful experience in terms of value proposition, quality assurance, daily operations, hosting alternatives, pedagogical models, study systems, and study resources. This study offers a comparison of these popular topics in an effort to explore global trends and development paths for higher education. We hope that such comparison would provide useful lessons for China as it improves its distance higher education and in the building of a learning society.
Key words: distance higher education; quality assurance; use for reference