Development of Higher Order Learning Skills in Online Digital Gaming



John Bannon


(Tranining Center Petaluma,United States Coast Guard,California,USA)


Abstract: Use of digital game based learning is a growing instructional trend for military training. Modeled after immensely popular and commercial world-wide massive multi-player online games (MMOGs), small scale trial military MMOG,such as "Quake" combine virtual reality multi-player gaming with realistic scenarios to promote high fidelity training, teamwork, problem solving, and communication. Although digital game based learning (DGBL) has increased in popularity as a valuable problem based learning medium, the question remains, how does game play support higher order thinking skills, such as problem solving and decision making? This content analysis case study focused on analyzing commercial MMOG website player weblogs (blogs) for evidence of higher order learning developed from game play. The study also looked at the collaborative nature of multi-player gaming in supporting higher order learning development. The goal of the study was to document evidence of MMOGs as an effective medium for higher order learning in order to further investigate the role of MMOG use in military performance based training.

Key words: DGBL; digital game base training; MMOG; massive multi-player online gaming; multi-media game play; game play higher order learning; collaborative game based learning; military simulations; military advanced distributed learning

CLC numbersG434

Document codeA

Article ID1007-2179(2009)03-0059-08






(美国海岸警卫队 巴塔鲁马培训中心,加利福尼亚,美国)


    【摘要】数字游戏学习日益成为军事培训教学的未来发展趋势。模仿极受欢迎的、商业的、在全球范围运行的大规模多玩家在线游戏(简称MMOGs),Quake 等小规模的军事MMOG将虚拟现实多玩家游戏与现实情景相整合,以促进高保真培训、协同工作、问题解决和沟通。虽然数字游戏学习(DGBL)作为一种有价值的基于问题的学习媒介越来越流行,但问题仍然是如何利用游戏支持高阶思维技能,如问题解决和决策?本文分析的个案研究旨在通过分析商业网络游戏玩家的博客,了解玩游戏过程中所培养的高阶学习技能。研究还考察了多玩家游戏在支持高阶学习方面的合作性本质。本研究的目标是证明MMOGs作为一种有效的高阶学习媒体,从而进一步探讨MMOG在军事绩效培训中的作用。

