

本刊特约记者  郑旭东  本刊记者  魏志慧


     【编者按】《教学技术:领域的定义与范畴》的原著者之一,丽塔·里奇(Rita C. Richey)教授现任美国韦恩州立大学教育学院教育技术专业的荣誉退休教授。她1964年毕业于密西根大学获语言文学学士学位,1968年在密西根大学获得阅读心理学硕士学位,1971年从韦恩州立大学获得教育技术学博士学位,毕业后在其所主持的韦恩州立大学教育技术学专业始终位居全美一流。1995年至1997年期间,里奇教授任美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)定义与术语委员会主席,有力推动了世纪之交美国教育技术领域的界定工作。作为一名著名的教育技术与教学设计专家,里奇教授的学术兴趣主要集中在教学设计的研究与理论、设计与开发的研究方法、教育技术学专业人员的资格与能力标准等方面,近年来尤其关注教育技术领域的定义、历史与理论,在教学设计的理论建设上做出了重要贡献,主要著述包括《教学设计的理论与概念基础》、《为成人学习者设计教学:整体培训的理论与实践》等。她与芭芭拉·西尔斯(Barbara A. Seels1994年共同执笔撰写的《教学技术:领域的定义与范畴》一书曾获得1996AECT颁发的教育技术领域最高奖项——James W. Brown出版奖,并被翻译为多国文字出版。书中提出的AECT94定义对其后10余年整个教育技术领域的发展产生了重要影响,使其获得了国际声誉,2000年获得了AECT杰出服务奖。里奇教授长期从事教育技术学的研究方法并对其保持着热切关注而取得了重要成果,2008年她与James D. Klein合著的《设计与开发研究:方法、策略与议题》一书再次获得James W. Brown出版奖。在本次访谈中,里奇教授对教育技术领域的定义、教育技术学研究方法的进展、教育技术专业人员的资格与能力标准建设、教学设计的基础理论建设与发展、Robert Gagné和David Merrill的工作与成就、教学设计与企业环境中的学习与培训、教育技术领域的未来发展等一系列问题发表了个人独特的见解,希望读者能从中汲取一两点教益。







Comments on Various Issues of Instructional

Technology by Prof. Rita Richey


Journalist  ZHENG Xudong & WEI Zhihui


EditorialDr. Rita Richey graduated from The University of Michigan in 1964 and 1968 with a B.A. in English and M.A. in Reading Psychology. In 1971, she obtained her Ph.D. degree from Wayne State University in Detroit, where she had been teaching after her graduation. The Instructional Technology Program that she coordinated was one of the leading IT programs in the U.S. From 1995 to 1997, she chaired the Definition and Terminology Committee of AECT and facilitated the efforts to define the field of instructional technology.  She is currently the professor emeritus of Instructional Technology in the College of Education at Wayne State University. As a prestigious leader in the field of instructional design and technology, Dr. Rita Richey has made great contributions to the field.  Her academic interests include research and theory of instructional design, design and development research, competencies of instructional technology professionals, and the definition, history and theory-building of the field in recent years. During the past decades, she has written and edited many books, including The Theoretical and Conceptual Bases of Instructional Design in 1986, and the Designing Instruction for the Adult Learner: Systemic Training Theory and Practice in 1992. In 1994, she co-authored Instructional Technology: The Definition and Domains of the Field with Dr. Barbara A. Seels in which
