





【摘要】学习支持服务不仅仅是远程教育领域的命题,然而在远程教育领域,这一理论的探讨与发展却较为成熟,并已成为远程教育机构充分体现 “以学生为中心”思想的关键部分。本文采用文献法,从理论层面对国外远程教育领域学习支持服务理论的发展进行了梳理,在此基础上总结归纳了学习支持服务的内涵,并采用个案研究法,从实践层面选取了英国开放大学、阿克林敦·罗森黛尔大学和美国维多利亚大学为个案,对其学习支持服务的实践进行了比较分析。








Comparative View of Learning Support Services’ Theory

and Practice in Distance Education


WU Ruoxi


(Zhejiang Education Examination Institute, Hangzhou 310012, China)


Abstract: Learning support service not only belongs to the field of distance education, however, this theory has been explored more deeply and become the full expression of the idea of "studentcentered" in the practice of distance education institutions.On the theoretical level, the paper discusses the emergence and evolvment of learning support service theories by literature method, on the basis of which the connotation of learning support services has been summarized. On the practical level, the paper selects the Open University, Accrington & Roslindale University and Victoria University for the case study, in order to carry out a comparative analysis on its support service practice.

Key words: distance education; learning support services; therory comparative