



(北京师范大学 远程教育研究中心,北京 100875)










An Empirical Study of the Roles of Online Teachers




(Center for Distance Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)


Abstract: This paper describes the roles of online instructors in virtual learning environments. The authors have developed a coding scheme to capture the range and variety of instructional behavior as revealed in the content of instructors postings in five asynchronous online courses. This coding scheme is  based on Berge's instructor roles classification: pedagogical, managerial, social, and technicalBerge,1995. Two courses used for illustration are from high schools, while three are from institutions of higher education. One high school and one University teacher have no online teaching experiences. Because Berge’s model cannot test instructor’s influence when they interact with students, the authors took computer logs as input and used social network analysis (SNA) to process them with SNA software package NetMiner2.6 to study instructor’s roles when they interacted with students. Firstly, the authors investigated the distribution of pedagogical, managerial, social and technical activities across different courses and found that instructor messages contained more pedagogical and managerial codes than social and technical ones. Secondly, the authors investigated instructors’ influence using SNA method: one with the teachers and others without. Independent sample t-test shows that density difference and network centralization difference were statistically significant if the instructors were factored out. Teachers in high schools played more important roles in the interaction process and the interaction patterns showed teacher-centered characteristics, while in institutions of higer education, the interaction models showed more student-centered tendoncy, especially when the teachers have more online teaching experiences. At the end, the authors explained the limitation of the current study and plans for future research.

Key words: online teaching; teacher’s roles; content analysis; social network analysis
