

柴少明  李克东


(华南师范大学 教育信息技术学院,广东广州510631










*基金项目:本文系教育部教育科学研究“十一五”重点课题 “计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)促进意义建构的研究”(课题编号:DCA060100)研究成果之一。



Discourse Analysis of Collaborative Meaning Making in CSCL


CHAI Shaoming & LI Kedong


School of Educational Information Technology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou510631, China


Abstract: Collaborative meaning making is one of the core research questions in CSCL. This paper explores the relationship between discourse and collaborative meaning making from the perspective of discourse. The paper proposes that discourse analysis is a proper method to address this question. Based on the instructional case in CSCL environment, the paper identifies the pattern of discourse and the functions in collaborative meaning making process.  Towards the end of the paper, an episode of interactional dialogue is presented to illustrat this process and the result shows that it is advisable to use discourse analysis to investigate the process and mechanism of collaborative meaning making.

Key words: CSCL; discourse; collaboration; meaning making; discourse analysis
