




(上海远程教育集团 发展研究部,上海200086












Cross-cultural Awareness in Quality Audit of ICDE




(Department of Development and Research,Shanghai TV University,Shanghai 200433,China)


Abstract:  International Council for Open and Distance Education(ICDE) is one of the most authoritative organization in the field of international distance education. One of its core pursuits is to promote public confidence in open and distance education. The dialogue method in the global setting is becoming a method of ontological significance and basically a matter of survival. Based on the ICDE'S quality audit of Shanghai TV University, this paper tries to explain and summarize the spirit of dialogue in the quality audit of ICDE, and explore the cultural significance of such a method. The spirit of dialogue will not only greatly enhance the public's confidence in distance education in the world, but also affect all kinds of education quality audit and cultural exchange. At the same time, the cultural significance behind dialogue spirit in the quality audit of ICDE, for example, equality, love, trust, understanding and hope, help us to better understand the nature and significance of dialogue.

Key words: quality audit of ICDE; distance education; spirit of dialogue; cultural significance