

于丽1  朱晓云2


(1.上海电视大学 金融与会计系,上海 200433;2.上海电视大学 虹口分校,上海 200080)



【摘要】国内外统计数据都显示远程教育的辍学率远远高于传统教育,在亚洲,远程教育的辍学率更是高达50%。国外关于这方面的研究较早,理论也比较成熟,但是就如何解决辍学率这个问题,成熟的理论还不多,而国内关于远程教育中辍学问题的研究较晚,理论方面也较欠缺。因此,本文在结合笔者实际工作和研究的基础上,分析了国内远程教育中学习者辍学的特点、原因,并相应地尝试提出了一些解决对策, 期望对认识和解决远程学习者的辍学问题有所裨益。










Exploration of High Rate of Dropout in Distance Educaion


YU Li1 &  ZHU Xiaoyun2


(1.Department of Finance and Accounting, Shanghai TV University, Shanghai 200433, China; 

2.Branch of Hongkou, Shanghai TV University, Shanghai 200080, China)


Abstract: Statistic data at home and abroad demonstrates that the rate of dropout of distance learners in the area of distance education far surpasses that of learners in the area of traditional education,and in Asia the rate up to 50%. In the overseas the relative research on the dropout began earlier, and there have been some ready theories. But there are few of them as to how to solve this problem of dropout. In our country we started the same research about dropout later and we are lack of relative and respective theories. Based on the basic work and actual practice, this paper analyzes the characteristics of distance learners' dropout, and the main reasons for the dropout, according to the data analyzing ,and then tries to manage a series of ways or measures taken to solve the same. It is expected to have some benefits to solve this problem of distance learners' dropout.

Key words: distance education; distance learners; dropout ; reason


