
李舒愫  顾凤佳  顾小清 

(华东师范大学 教育科学学院,上海 200062)












Research Status of U-learning


LI Shusu, GU Fengjia & GU Xiaoqing


(School of Educational Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)


Abstract: U-learning came as a result from the interaction of theories and technologies. The concept of U-learning had existed before enabling technologies were available.However,U-learning did not truly enter the pilot project stage until ubiquitous computing technologies and embedded systems became possible. This paper reviews the concept of U-learning and its evolution. The paper then describes a number of representative U-learning projects in the world. The paper discusses the prospects of U-learning in Shanghai after a tachnological analysis of current enabling technologies and environments.

Key words: ubiquitous learning; ubiquitous computing; research status


