
赵蓉1  胥正川2 

(1. 上海外国语大学 继续教育学院,上海 200083;

2. 复旦大学 管理学院,上海 200433)







【作者简介】赵蓉,硕士,讲师,上海外国语大学继续教育学院; 胥正川,博士,讲师,复旦大学管理学院(。






Development of an Instrument to Measure the Impact

of Preventative Factors on Game Addiction


ZHAO Rong1 &  XU Zhengchuan2


1. Institute of Continuing Education, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083,China

2. School of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433,China


Abstract: Computer games are gaining grounds in China, and many observers with worry. Computer games are having a negative impact on behaviors of adolescents. There are both extrisical and intrinsical factors contributing to adolescents' addiction to online games. This paper discusses the effect of resistent extrisical factors on addictive behaviors.  The paper then proposes a model of extrisical factors to restrain game addiction. These five resistant factors are: facilitating conditions, monitoring, warning, cost and dissuasion. We have also developed instruments to measure the effect of each factor on addition.  Initial usage shows that the instrument demonstrates satisfactory internal reliability. Using the research from this paper, organizations can identify ways to inhibit game addition for the improvement of college students' life styles and the reduction of criminal offenses resulting from online gaming.

Key words: online game;game addiction; preventative factor; policy


