
 肖爱平1    蒋成凤2


2.中央广播电视大学 奥鹏远程教育中心研究院,北京100011)










Investigation and Research on Web-based Learners


XIAO Aiping1 & JIANG Chengfeng2


1.School of TechnologyBeijing Forest University,Beijing 100083China;

2. Open Research  Academic, National Center for Open & Distance EducationBeijing 100011China


Abstract: In China, it is widely known that online students are often found slacking in accessing their web courses. But research is lacking on the causes of such inactivity, what characterized their online behaviors, and what factors affect their learning behaviors. This paper combines literature review and field research in the analysis of online students' learning behaviors, possible causes and potential strategies.

Key Words:web-based learningfrequency to access courseslearning support services
