

 陈向东1  梁阳2  孙欢2

1.华东师范大学教育信息技术学系,上海 200062; 2.上海师范大学 教育技术学系,上海 200234)









*基金项目:本文系国家社会科学基金资助项目(项目编号:06BTQ028)“以计算机为媒介的知识交流评价方法研究”、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目 (项目编号: 2007JJD880228)“ 新技术、媒体影响力与第三空间教育”的研究成果之一。



Analysis of Asynchronous Online Communication Based on Thread

——A Case Study of“Web-based Distance Education”


CHEN Xiangdong1, LIANG Yang2, &  SUN Huan2


(1.Department of Education Information Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062,China;

2.Department of Educational Technology,Shanghai Normal UniversityShanghai 200234,China)


Abstract: This paper studies the discussion forums of an online course titled "Webbased Distance Education" through a detailed analysis of the asynchronous online communication in this courses. The paper summarizes the basic characteristics of the threads in the following dimensions: content relevance, spontaneity, continuity, shifts and multitasking behaviors. The analytical framework for discussion threads can be used to leverage student interaction characteristics so that teachers can design their teaching more effectively.

Keywords: thread theoryasynchronous communicationcontent analysis

