

吴飞1   吴兵2   申志斌3


(上海远程教育集团 发展研究部,上海 200086)










The Analysis and Study of Technical Difficulties and

Characteristics of Next Generation e-learning Platform


WU Fei, WU Bing, SHEN Zhibing


(Shanghai Distance Education Group, Shanghai 200086, China)


Abstract: In this paper, the existence of "information overload" and "abilities" and "isolated environment", which are highlighting on e-learning platform, is explored on its formation mechanism and aspects. Subsequently, by virtue of some of the experiments and theoretical research on the current research achievements of the intelligent agent and information retrieval and domain ontology and personalized service, several key technologies and methods solving the network educational problems are provided.  These works include: the retrieval of learning resources based on intelligent agent, the resources management and subject index based on domain ontology knowledge,the personalized recommendations and intelligent matching based on self-organizing,the information extraction and metadata modeling based on semantic analysis,the composition and mechanism of evolution in connection to user interest model,the dynamic organization and recommendation in connection to collaborative learning group and content.In addition, some references and attentions are discussed for the relevant system designers building a next generation of e-learning platform, by virtue of the summary of new domestic and international e-learning platform and application.

Key wordse-learningintelligent agentpersonalizationcollaborative learning
